Beginning October 9th 2023, KC Home Photography will offer free floor plans with every shoot on a residential property. These free floor plans are very basic and do not include measurements or fixed furniture, however they do nicely show the layout of the home and help buyers situation where each room is in the home. Free floor plans will look like this one below.
The best part of a floor plan, is the measurements. Let’s face it, going around your listing measuring rooms and looking for the best way to round up or down and deciding whether to count that little cut out or not, it’s a pain in the neck. So for just $25 we’ll provide you a floorplan with measurements saving you the time and hassle. And, more importantly they’ll be accurate and not only will have measurements for the room areas on MLS, but you’ll have images to include in the gallery. Just like this one below.
We also offer floorplans with measurements and fixed furniture. Helping buyers understand the cabinet layout in the kitchen, or vanity to tub placement in the mast bath. These full schematic floorplans really pop and thanks to our partnership with CubiCasa they can be yours for only $50. Spruce up your listing AND save time on measurements. These floorplans are sure to wow your sellers and more importantly bring in the buyers. See what to expect below.